Friday, August 06, 2010

a 'sempurna' weekend in bandung

With Kitbielle Pasagui, the soloist of Sempurna :) The Gita Sempurna, haha..

With Riva Ferrer

With Perlita 'Pearl' Reyes

With the husband, outside Aula Barat ITB

Me and the husband was spending our weekend in Bandung last week. It was for his work things, invitations, etc. But my best highlight was seeing Madz in concert! Yayyyy...

The Philippine Madrigal Singers (or Madz) is having a concert tour in Bandung, Jogja, Surabaya and Jakarta. And we had the chance seeing them singing live on Aula Barat ITB Bandung that Saturday evening. OMG, it was like a dream come true! I cried a lot that moment - happy tears, shivered, they were awesome! The best part was when the sang 'Sempurna' from Andra and The Backbone. We gave standing ovations, till I couldn't clap my hands anymore, I just cried and cried. It was truly perfect.

And we had the chance meeting them also after the show! We took some pictures together, and I asked them to sign my program book. They were so humble and nice. Some of them even were asking me to tag their pictures on facebook! Haha.. :) I can't wait to see their performance (again) in Jakarta.

an evening surprise :)

Look what I found yesterday inside my cupboard.. *drum rolls* Taraaaaaaa....

A gift.
A surprise gift.
From the husband :)

He didn't tell me anything about buying something. He just asked me to grab his sweater in the cupboard. And look what I found! :)

I was so excited. I always loooove surprises. And it's been a while since the last time he gave me one. I excitedly open it, and VOILAAAA...

OMG, OMG, OMG, so excited!!!
I'm an Eeyore collector, he knows it, and I was sooo happy! It's been sooo long since I bought the last Eeyore.

Thank you so much, Mr. Hanson :) you really made my evening! Love you so much! :*

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

oh, kerupuk kulit!

Ada apa dengan snack ini ya? Akhir2 ini saya nge-fans berat sama snack yang satu ini. Gara2 di kantor ada yang jualan snack ber-merk Kriuk, dan salah satu produknya adalah si Kerupuk Kulit. Awalnya sih gak ada yang berminat beli, alias kalah sama jenis snack yang lain. Cuma, gara2 ada 1 anak yang beli dan beberapa nyobain, langsunglah snack ini jadi best-seller setiap si abangnya jualan di kantor. Bahkan gak jarang sampe SOLD OUT!

Padahal kalo diinget2, dulu saya gak terlalu suka. Alasannya karena seret setiap habis makannya. Sekarang sih masih, cuma rasanya kalah dengan keinginan makan yang menggebu-gebu ini. Semua ini gara-gara abang Kriuk! Hihihi.. blame it on the man! :P

Duh, musti cari di mana ya sekarang, sungguh kecepingin!!! :(

Friday, July 23, 2010

don't stop, keep playing!

I got a link about a great educational system that I totally agree. You can read it here.
And after that, you need to see this video.

Both the writings and video successfully made my eyes wet and happy.. :)
Love it so much!
Happy reading (and watching!) :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

i really miss singing..

infinito singers in siempre la musica! concert, dec 31 2009

.. especially on stage.
How the adrenaline rush, runs thru' my veins, the stage lights, the smell of the stage, and how excited I was, every time I hear the hands clapping from the audience. And standing ovations.

Hopefully our next concert on Nov 2010 will run smoothly. Crossing fingers :)

what's left from didi & peppy's wedding

the happy couple, didi and pheppy (both are infinito singers, bass and soprano)

the jiblies aka infiqo aka infinito istiqomah.. :))

me, milmil (hanoum's daughter) and reni

alke, me, reni

reunian PSMUT, seru bangetttt..

the happy singers :)

sebelum diusir, ya belum pulang.. :P

what we're planning to do tonight..

is watching Inception! Yesss.. Well, actually it was planned a week a go, but me and him were facing deadline. So, is it gonna be tonight? We'll see :)

(early) 2011 resolutions

I know, I know, it's too early. But hey, the sooner I write this, the sooner I prepare everything, right? :D
Well, here goes..

1. Have a baby
Since the miscarriage, we've been trying again and again. But our jobs seems to be the obstacles. Hoping next year would be better.. :)

2. Have plenty of time for cooking
Yes, it's been a passion. And take some cooking lesson? Maybe, why not. Hope I have a perfect kitchen for that at home.. *will push the husband* :P

3. Take a driving lesson
It's been my resolution for years, but I still got no time. Hope next year I would have it *crossing finger*

4. Get serious on the business
It's been our side business for a year. Hoping I would have more time to do that and get serious! :)

5. The 'Scholarship' thingy
I've been wanting to look for some scholarship abroad. Maybe in Netherlands. Maybe I need to take some language lesson for that? Why not? :)

Hmm.. what else? I'll tell you later.. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

what the hubby brought this evening..

Yes, he brought me Sate Padang Mak Syukur!!! For you who doesn't know, Sate Padang Mak Syukur is one of the tastiest sate padang I've ever tasted. And the next thing he brought is the soto padang! Double yummyyyy... :9

Thank you, hubby :* you're the best!

so many things in my head..

Just had a lunch meeting with my boss, she told me many things. I miss our the old times when we used to have so much laughs and stories to share. Well, time flies so soon, and our best friends had resigned, so it's only two of us left. And she's soooo busy, so it's so hard to find this kinda time again.

I really wanna tell you everything, but not now I guess :) Time will tell.

new look!

I'm trying this new look, whadayathink? Gimme your opinion! :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

needs some batiks!

Sejak penetapan UNESCO soal batik menjadi budaya Indonesa bbrp bulan lalu, kantorku pun akhirnya ikut2an demam memberlakukan hari batik dan meminta karyawannya ber-batik ria pada setiap hari Senin. Aku sih seneng2 aja, karena batik is one of my fave fabric for clothes. Sayangnya, koleksi batikku banyak buat bawahan dan kain untuk kondangan, dan jarang aku bikin atasan/dress atau yg appropriate untuk ngantor lah. Jadilah sempet bbrp waktu lalu, aku beli2 baju atasan batik.

Yang cukup jadi masalah, I'm quite picky kan. Gak mau tuh beli batik yang bahannya panas, atau gak nyerap keringat, atau yang keliatannya murahan atau asal jadi 'batik'. Dan lagi, agak sebel kalo dihargain overpriced banget. Iya kalo emang bagus banget, ini padahal modelnya biasa aja dan bahannya pun panas. Keberatanku juga mengingat aku mau belinya agak banyak, biar bisa ganti2. Kan sebel kalo baru beli 1, tapi budget-nya udh habis. Gak bisa ganti2 dong nanti :P Dan satu lagi problemku: aku gak suka pake baju warna coklat. Tau sendiri dooong.. batik kan pasti dominannya warna ini. Makanya lumayan puter otak kalo lagi hunting batik. Soalnya banyakkan gak sukanya, hihihi..

On second thought, kenapa gak jait aja yaaa.. Well, udh pengen sih jait dari jauh2 hari. Cuma agak males belanja bahannya. Thanks to my dear Amesh dan koleksi batik fabric-nya yang ciamik, aku pun kayaknya mau pesan 1 atau 2 buat dijait deh. Nanti aku posting fotonya kalo sudah beli dan dijait yaaa.. :)

Wish me luck!

Monday, May 17, 2010

the hijab-women blogs

Last week, I got this link hijabscarf from my lovely cousin, Anggi. Aaaah, so inspiring! I've been wearing veil for almost a year, and sometimes I feel bored mix-matching my clothes (I love clothes, shoes, bags, all the girls thingy, fyi) and also with the veil. Some other time, I miss my good old times when I can wear anything freely. But hey, hijab is a good thing :) And I won't give it away for any reason (insya Allah, bismillah.. amen :)). Thanks to this blog, I suddenly feel blessed wearing hijab. I feel inspired to copy the style and mix it with mine.. :)

And today, i found this link that belongs to Talitha, a sweet girl who's also wearing a veil. She loves fashion as much as I do, and this blog has lots and lots of inspiring pics! :) Love it.

Thanks to all of you :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

hey, i recognize that! :D

So happy when your work is featured on somebody else's blog, in this case is my lovely friend amesh's blog dreamesh (well, actually it's not about the work, it's about the article, haha..), but still, i'm feeling good :)

Thanks, Meshy.. for your article :D

Monday, May 10, 2010

kost kost kost..

Butuh pindah kost nih.. Ibu kost sudah tidak menyenangkan (well, emang dari dulu cenderung gitu sih, tp masih bisa nahan). Kalo ada yg tau info tentang kost suami istri yang layak huni, ciamik, menyenangkan dan harganya bersahabat, lemmeknow yaa.. :)

Thanks a bunch!

good vs bad

Life has been bad (read: hard) to me these weeks, huhu.. But i got my brand new iPod touch to cheer me up!
Life's good indeed.. :)

Thursday, May 06, 2010

lagu sore hari yang bikin mewek..

Alkisah, suamiku itu orang yang sangat pemalu. Paling susah ngungkapin perasaan buat istrinya straight by his own words. Makanya dia seneng banget ungkapinnya lewat lagu. And you know what, kadang lagu2 itu lagu yang sama sekali blom pernah aku denger.. atau gak aku perhatiin, tapi ternyata makna liriknya dalem banget.

Suatu kali, dia pernah kasih aku lagu ini, jaman masih pacaran dulu. Dia pernah puter di depanku dan matanya berkaca2. O well, aku tau banget itu datang dari hatinya. Dan sekarang, dia mengisinya kembali di iPod-ku. And believe it or not, sampe sekarang aku masih merinding denger kata2nya.. :">

When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along..

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever,
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never...
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart (give you my heart)
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow,
Forever has now begun...

Just close your eyes (close your eyes)
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no..)
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you..
This I promise you..

Over and over I fall (over and over I fall)
When I hear you call
Without you in my life baby
I just wouldn't be living at all...

And I will take (I will take you in my arms)
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong (right where you belong)
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you baby

Just close your eyes
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no..)
Every word I say is true
This I promise you

Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Ooh, I promise you...

I love you sayangku.. :*