Friday, August 06, 2010

a 'sempurna' weekend in bandung

With Kitbielle Pasagui, the soloist of Sempurna :) The Gita Sempurna, haha..

With Riva Ferrer

With Perlita 'Pearl' Reyes

With the husband, outside Aula Barat ITB

Me and the husband was spending our weekend in Bandung last week. It was for his work things, invitations, etc. But my best highlight was seeing Madz in concert! Yayyyy...

The Philippine Madrigal Singers (or Madz) is having a concert tour in Bandung, Jogja, Surabaya and Jakarta. And we had the chance seeing them singing live on Aula Barat ITB Bandung that Saturday evening. OMG, it was like a dream come true! I cried a lot that moment - happy tears, shivered, they were awesome! The best part was when the sang 'Sempurna' from Andra and The Backbone. We gave standing ovations, till I couldn't clap my hands anymore, I just cried and cried. It was truly perfect.

And we had the chance meeting them also after the show! We took some pictures together, and I asked them to sign my program book. They were so humble and nice. Some of them even were asking me to tag their pictures on facebook! Haha.. :) I can't wait to see their performance (again) in Jakarta.


Alex said...


Unknown said...

Keep writing your blog. I enjoy reading it :)

Wulan Hanson said...

@Mbak Ayu: Thanks mbak :) I will! *pecut pecut diri sendiri* hahaha..